Reparation Payments


Europe's leading black empowerment blog is back with a detailed guide on how to finesse the system and get reparation payments.

Buck Breaking movie review coming soon.

The title is misleading. If you want money, being a wagie is the only way that doesn't risk you going to jail. Here you will find a detailed guide on how to secure that bag. That means being interviewed.

Its all about LIGHTING. Note that these tips can also be used for onlyfans, dating apps (but if your know what's up, you don't bother with those).

Naturally you need to have the camera on a tripod. It was on my desk. Men of culture appreciate stable video.

Window to my right. West. It was a bright summer's day so we needed to control that sunlight. Use the the blinds to reduce the intensity and to diffuse the light. Also make sure the windows are blown out. My right is now well lit.

To my left was my trusty lamp with the colour changing bulb. I wrote about that on this blog earlier. Placed that to my left and bounced the light off my closet door. Set the colour to match daylight. That took care of any unnecessary shadows.

This diagram explains it