The Alpha Male Experience #001 - Actually Happened


A man approached me.

It was a social event and we had a conversation. The usual chit-chat. Out of no where he asked, "Did you serve ?" 

"Sorry ?!" I responded. Confused.

"Did you serve in the Navy ?"

I could see why he thought this. Picture me. 6'2, clean cut, upright posture, glowing skin. Around me, the aura of confidence and masculinity from my musky cologne (the same my father used to wear).

There was a good chance I'd never see this person ever again so I could make up a lie about being in the Navy and probably suffer no consequence
at least socially. Make up stories similar to those I've written about here. Maybe even lie about being in the Special Boat Service.

Like a coward, I told him the truth.




It turns out the neck tie I was wearing has the same pattern as the regimental tie of the Royal Navy. My dad got me this tie.


The Navy is also the "gay branch" of the military. Maybe this man was trying to solicit me into having gay sex ? Lots of weirdos in cities. Maybe "Did you serve in the Navy" is just another way of saying the old "I ride horses. Do you like to ride horses too ?" line. Is it a vibe I give off ?

Thank you for reading my #MeToo story.