Part 1 It was time to move out. David Cooper ushered in the prisoner into the van. "Why are we transporting Harvey Weinstein ?" he thought to himself. The took off from the basement parking. David sat opposite Harvey. Harvey looked straight at David, never leaving his eyes off him. He seemed never to blink. The Van full of operators was focused, never knowing what danger to expect. Hands on their firearms with trigger discipline. "I notice you have a NASA issued Omega Speedmaster," said Harvey Weinstein, breaking the silence in the van, "I'm something of a watch collector myself. The courts seized my possessions and now all I have left is this." He raised his hand revealing a black Corrections Department issued Casio F-91W below his handcuffs. David wouldn't fall for Weinstein's tricks, he had read Machiavelli and 12 Rules for Life back to back, this combined with his espionage experience meant he could spot deception from a mile away. ...